What is this?
A subscription service for coffee. Every four weeks (on the Tuesday of the week, specifically), we send you a 4-pack of coffee for you to brew at home.
What is ‘approachable coffee’?
We believe that everyone should have an opportunity for a better cup of coffee. We love single origin pour overs as much as the next person, but we also want to know we are getting a cup of coffee that will do the trick —tasting great and perking us up. So, that’s what we mean when we say approachable coffee. Nothing too daunting to prepare. Versatile in brewing method. Tastes like coffee. Works like coffee. Trustworthy.
Why you verses every other coffee subscription?
We like to provide what we believe is a great value. We source beans from the same farms as many of the more costly versions. We’ve chosen to strip lots of the marketing frills (actually, we do it all ourselves) with the hope of bringing the coffee to a cost that presents a great value. We also simplify it from the start to shipping only one bean, at one price.
What coffee do I get?
Colombian. The roast that was served for 6 years at Smalley Coffee.
Where are you located?
In the Midwest. Jasper, Indiana specifically. Our beans are roasted in Indiana and there is a 30+ year collective experience in this operation.
Who are you?
Josh, Curtis, Chris and Nate.
I just ordered coffee (can’t wait!!), when will my coffee ship?
We ship all coffee on Tuesdays. So, if you ordered on a Thursday, your shipment will go out on the following Tuesday. You will receive a new shipment every four weeks after that.
What is Smalley Coffee?
Smalley was a coffee shop in an Airstream trailer that Josh operated for 6 years in Jasper, IN. Another party made an offer for the Airstream so it has moved on to a new home (in Florida!), but Smalley will live on and is currently in plans for a cafe (with seating and food!) in Jasper. Stay tuned.